Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Slumdog millionaire

Slum dog millionaire
Well, it seems it might gain some half a dozen Oscars after all.
The world wants to listen to the dark side of the Indian story,
Well, it’s hardly a good flick,
And wouldn’t even go close to the block buster,’
Neither is it a true Indian story,
For Jamal would have never won,’ and would have finished his life, in some prison or slum.
But it’s not what Americans want to see either,
“here is the true American heart son”!!
Na Na Na…yu might be lion heart,
But money cant buy me love!!

Re-public day and more

Why is it that some people take away the words that you meant more religiously?
Gurucharandas wrote things that I would meant to post this day more seriously,
About Raju on his birthday coinciding on our 60th republic!
Raju of Satyam did what dhritrashtara did for his sons.
Of course, it was not the dharma,

Corporate identity and responsibility is not far beyond dharma,
Once one incorporates shareholders beyond the family,
Extension of this family lays beyond sharing the womb.

It’s a tough task, to irrelate, to relevance,
To consider the company an identity a separate one,
Where no one in blood and flesh stands.

And the one who do are called representatives of people
And who do not necessarily do represent people.

Raju, lost himself to two filial obligations,
The representatives and the sons.

And Gurucharandas has already written on much ado about nothing.