Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Brothels of Socialism

“Sex trade curbs will back fire”
Suddenly the ministers and bureaucracy of this country have started speaking for free trade, accepting that trade will flourish anyway, with or without the law.
It’s another issue that it’s only about sex trade.
Oscar Fernandes has gone to an extent to say that, being the world’s oldest trade, we have a mention in the bible too. Any government can’t Ban it.
Mr. Ramadoss, who is another over enthusiast to ban smoking on screen is this time talking logic.
The best part is that a woman is seeking the ban on flesh trade. Renuka Chaudhary - Minister of Woman and Child development.
Where, women are the biggest beneficiaries of this trade. Legalizing it will only remove men out of the trade, who survive and make the most because of the trade being illegal.

There are two issues here.
First being morality – Well Men by nature are promiscuous, you just can’t hold them. And anyway it is only a matter of a few minutes, before they feel ridiculous about spending all that money on, what they could have used their hand for, and porno for variety.
If it wasn’t for these women in the market, you would see so many more rapes, incest and relationships unwarranted.
This is consensual sex out of agreement, benefiting both parties, physically to one and financially to another.
Morality could be an issue to a third party, spouses of both the parties concerned. I guess usually it is the receiver of the services that bothers the society at large.
Point is legality will only worsen things, as he will have to pay more for bad services, and unsatisfied he might move on to having an extra marital relationship.
Which one would the wife want, a satisfied husband or a disgruntled one?
An affair he will forget or one he lives with?
So morally, I think it is an excellent trade to be in.

Second being free trade – all trade eventually is free;
There are impediments, temporary in nature, like government regulations, AIDS or some other micro and macro in nature.
The beneficiaries keep changing due to these interferences.
Like in any other trade, laws and regulations only determine who makes the most of it.
More the regulations, more the supply side get affected.
Like, we have restrictions on farm produce exports, minimum support price, APMC and others in the name of protecting the farmer.
Which, leaves the farmer so much dependent, on government and its touts that he has to commit suicide.
So is the case with sex trade, more laws will make the police, touts, lawyers, politicians richer.
Indians will have to go and spend all foreign exchange in Amsterdam and Bangkok.
Truck wala’s will have to do with young boys at dhaba’s.
Bombay’s working class men will have to satisfy with the eunuchs in local trains

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Happy Birthday IV

She is 31 today.
She is like Karina Kapoor in her new avatar.
Attitude, boisterous, cheeky, sexy and can get away with murder.
Passionate, caring, loving, and emotional and she couldn’t hurt a soul.

I started as a tenant at her mom’s house. Had some common friends from college, though much junior.
As I believe, Men and women can’t be just friends, in sublimity, attraction is natural, and acceptance in public is unnatural.

I think I was closer mentally to her elder sister though Payal was friendlier.
I was an uninvited guest for quite a few dinners.
Ask any hostel guy, what a perfect recipe this is for your morale.
Two pretty ladies, home food to eat and two whiskeys assured by the colonel.
Little shamelessness does not do much harm.
Not a good thing for a bachelor, but their parents used to feel secure when they were outing with me.
A few times, got caught as well.
We must have seen at least a couple of dozen movies together,
I must have seen her thru at least half a dozen boys, coming and going out of her life.
Her intensity was almost the same as always.
Left the love of her life to join Singapore airlines, and quit that for another love.
Now married to a firangi, settled and has a kid.
Keeps in touch, and supposedly still the same.

Didn’t you always ask who do I love, you or your sister.
Of course you, as always.
Happy Birthday.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

That Is Why

There are many sides of a story.
Only the well lit is visible.
Like there is day only on the sides where the sun shines, rest stays dark.
There are also shades of gray. Dusk and dawn.

What happened yesterday, and what we will be living with all our lives is the same dusk and dawn.
As I chronicle this, from the hospital room.
I can only show one part of the story at a time.
To be fair to both parties, I would focus on none, instead myself.

Rohan is 6 years younger than I.
Yesterday, Dad shot him, at his foot, missing by centimeters.
World War II German masterpiece weapon, Mouser, .975 bore, is known for its precison.
And my dad is a decent shot, and he fired from not more than 10 ft away.
The lead hit the brick floor, centimeters from Rohan’s s feet, must have splintered and deflected in an angle to hit him in his left calf, missing the femur, by millimeters. Small lead and brick pieces made their way thru, flesh at some 30 different sites below the knee. The thick denim must have reduced the velocity of impact.

He was rushed to a Patna hospital.
Must have lost around a liter of blood and 200 gms of flesh.
Could take more than a month for all wound to heal, and two for him to walk.

He is asleep for most of the day today. We have not spoken about the incident. Both of us have not seen each other in the eye.
I can read his eyes.
He is confused, is unsure of his own emotions.
More than the pain caused by the bullet, he is pained at the thoughts.
Anyone would be.
But then he had asked for it.
Rather then getting into further details, my point of view is that, my dad had planned to scare him and retain his lost glory. And to an extent he has succeeded.
Just that he will have to live with the guilt of shooting his son all his life.

And one thinks there are other impediments to development.
Infrastructure, governments, society et al.
It begins at home.
All the above are, what they are, is because what we are at home.
If we do not have electricity at home.
Or, Roads, schools, hospitals, banks, telephones, businesses, entertainment, travelers, investors.
A self sufficient Gandhi’s village turns into fiefdom where property is your identity.
Ruining lives, talents. Clipping own wings, and tying the anchor around ones feet.
Killing your creativity for some stupid pride, which is insecurity that you are able of nothing else but, what your fathers have left for you.

What has this stooped to?
Who do I blame, but myself, for have not done enough. Not planned well, not been assertive enough.
This is the reason, why I was here. So many said and still say, I have been wasting my life. Why would one start a business with so many odds stacked against it.
Well there is more than money to be gained or lost.
That is why.

(This is an act of fiction, any similarity to truth is completely coincidental, this is in no way my confession, and I can not be prisoned or produced in a court of law)
(The police report says, it was my rifle and not my dads. Though the chances of the Bihar police tracing my blog to falsify the case is super bleak, still why take chances)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Swatantra party dot networked

Bhartiya Rashtravadi Samanta Party (BRSP)-, Shiv Khera, the international Author and educator, has taken his books too seriously.
He has floated a Political Party in India. More over, has added an “R” to the BSP.
Nationalism to Mayawati’s ideology.
He is welcome for sure, any change is Indian politics should be welcome, as it has reached its nadir.
I think the decision must have been planned for a later date, as the advertisement looked a little less planned.
Looking at the scenes in parliament, any nationalist would be incited to float one of his parties.
Reasons could be on both sides. There is money in politics, as every vote counts
. And there is a lot more than money to be lost due to Indian politics, and as every vote counts, it becomes our duty to be there.
I hope Mr. Khera belongs to the later sort of politicians.
He has asked a few questions, to which if we agree, could be part of his platform-party whatever.
More are general questions, to which any nationalist would agree, and some are not researched.
Like their views on population and civil code, appeasement etc.
We already have a BJP and other nationalist party to do this for us.
Indian is not a nation, it’s a continent.
You can’t have a nationalist party, you can have a regional party, and you can have a religion party.
And Mr. Khera is confusing religion with nationalism.
However, my best wishes.

To add to his efforts, we have done our bit yesterday.
A little that could be done at this stage.
But Manu has booked, “swatantraparty.net”

No awards for guesses on what’s on anvil.
Hold your horses, don’t trade them now.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

A-Maize-Zing Food security

Bihar Produces the maximum corn in this country, in fact the yield per acre is higher than that of the highest producer of corn in the world, the U.S.
Last month the central government proclaimed a Ban on exports of Maize.
No one makes a hue and cry when they ban exports of agricultural produce.
Middle class, voters think that it is good for them as this would make food available in the market and bring down the prices.
Of course this is misconceived notion and maybe I will talk about this some other time.
Who eats maize for god’s sake?
Does this country have rations for chicken feed and cattle fodder too?
When Farmers in Kosi belt are dying with the stocks of corm piled up on Khagaria station, germinating.
I will tell you how this government and any government work.
There are lobbies of chicken feed and cattle feed manufacturers who influence these politicians to come up with this amazing Ban theory.
The rotting and fermenting corn can be used for ethanol and bio fuels.
With a decision like this the rates of corn comes down to Rs. 2 a kg from Rs. 6 a kg.
Kosi belt will be submerged under water for next 4 months.
Where will all the farmers and the laborers go?
Either pile up in front of political touts for jobs “NREGS” or the same touts will get them jobs in “Delhi Metro”
They are facing labor shortages there.
It works fine for everyone. State govt. is sitting on its bum, and centre is signing nuclear deals, as if without that the world would come to an end.
Well, disgust is all you can feel.
What does on do?
For one, I can start a chicken feed company and then export. Not bad. Huh!

Company Affairs

Our company took a fresh loan from the bank around 5 months back.
Every time a company does some thing like that, there has to be a creation and registration of charge, with the registrar of companies.
The registrar does all what is prescribed by the ministry of company affairs.
There is a time frame within which the charge ahs to be created, every time there are some changes in the companies structure.
This time it was 300 days.
Now, on the7th of July the ministry issues a notification that this has been amended to 60 days and that too with effect from 5th of July.
Now this is ridiculous. Like all government notifications, this also defies logic.
How can some thing be affected from a date already surpassed?
In my case, where it has already passed 150 days. Without any time rectify, a law has been imposed.
Now I have to go to the company law board, present my case and get special permission.
This special permission would be for almost all the companies, who have anything to register.
So with a simple stroke of pen, they have created a parallel economy for the Babu’s.
Grease their palms, company secretaries are happy as they get additional job to perform.
And small fries like me will have an affair with the amazing company of the Bengali Babu’s.
Ok Babu moshaye, here I come.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday III

She Was 35 yesterday.
She is one of the ladies, I have had spent some time in my life, thinking and being together.
10 years back she was a radical when it came to women’s liberation. Though not the extent of burning their Bra’s.
But, she had a point. A health freak with a sturdy body, confidence oozing she could have any guy lusting for her, and she could actually hit a guy.
I have had the opportunity to see that once; some one had brushed past her admirable assets. Unknowingly, she did ignite thoughts in my mind, but her stances usually kept boys scared and away. I was not different.
She is married, has a kid though only in touch over face book. I do keep myself abreast with her life for old time’s sake.
She has still been a fighter till date, and facing life’s turbulence with grit.
She was my valentines date, and that is good memory.
Also a few journey’s we did together.
In those years, she must have been the only girl I slept with.
Yes, in deep slumber.
Happy Birthday, Girl.

Nuclear Waste

I have this terrible headache today, and I think I know what the cause might have been.
It is kind of unusual, but true.
I think I have been exposed to nuclear radiation.
Well, the closest reactor could be from Tibet. One of the 44 reactors that china has.
Or the one in New Delhi, with a pillared round stone building, they call the Indian Parliament.
It is a reactor of sorts, and they were discharging effluents and nuclear waste all day yesterday. That must have got me.
The whole process of creating nuclear energy was visible through out Indian media, a minute to minute report.
Enough Waste to contaminate the whole country.

The reactor it self was built by the Brits, and the process is nothing but a 200 year old legacy of the first parliament they have it by the Thames.
In Delhi they have the Yamuna, and one can evaluate by the comparison, of the state of the rivers, the waste being generated by the reactors.

They surely need the fuels in India, as the leader of the opposition and the prime minister and the all those trying to make a point, reacting in the reactor, did not have enough energy to make their words effective.
The uranium was being sold outside the parliament up to 25 crore a vote, some went for old fashioned barter of seat arrangement and cabinet berths.

Well, I know the reason of my headache, it must be pure disgust.

I’d better save my energies for something more rosy.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Of Obama, Afghanistan and Opium

"Afghan heroin sells on the international narcotics market for 100 times the price farmers get for their opium right out of the field".(US State Department quoted by the Voice of America (VOA), 27 February 2004).
According to the UNODC, opium in Afghanistan generated in 2003 "an income of one billion US dollars for farmers and US$ 1.3 billion for traffickers, equivalent to over half of its national income.”
Consistent with these UNODC estimates, the average price for fresh opium was $350 a kg. (2002); the 2002 production was 3400 tons.

Obama is visiting Afghanistan.
Obviously, his primary concern is American voters.
He wishes to be taken seriously at home with his views on war in Iraq and other places.
Let’s hope that he gains something out of this escapade.
One thing that any American, to be president should learn from mistakes made outside America, especially in Afghanistan, has to be a open minded policy on cultivation of poppy.

Looking at the geo-political situation of Afghanistan,
The farmers of the god forsaken country have a little choice with kinds of crop they can cultivate.
Even to find opportunity to do anything with their lives is not easy, moreover when you have India and Pakistan helping you out with your thought process.
Taliban gives them a solution.
If the Afghans do not liberalize their heroin trade, the chances that they would be falling prey to Talibinisation, stands good.
Government restricts cultivation of poppy, which is in much demand globally.
Whether it is illegal or immoral does not affect the trade or demand.
As long as their will be demand, some one will find a way to supply it. There could be various angles to a debate on this. I personally have a view that, as I support ones right to kill himself, every adult individual is free to choose, what form of addiction or emancipation or she has chosen. Smoking is legal and that does not make the whole world a smoker. Marijuana is illegal and does that stop half of the world smoking their wits out. I am also aware that tomorrow I might be risking my children by propagating legalization of heroin trade. But then the imperative would be on my upbringing, how I am able to convince them of staying away from the perceived evils of life.
However, the point here is not morality, simply as whether it is a moral issue or not, Afghanistan will grow poppy. there are too many vested intrests.
Now the point is whether the afghans will benefit out of this trade or not.
You have Americans and Taliban both making money out of this, but Taliban gains both ways as they get support from the local farmers and also make money for their guns in the process.
The biggest losers are the Afghans, simply because the karzai government can not feel the pulse of the people or is as uaual listening to his old bosses, the CIA.
This is the beginning of disintegration.

But why should Obama spell out a policy on Heroin, that too for Afghanistan?
This is why!
The heroin business is not "filling the coffers of the Taliban" as claimed by US government and the international community: quite the opposite! The proceeds of this illegal trade are the source of wealth formation, largely reaped by powerful business/criminal interests within the Western countries. These interests are sustained by US foreign policy. Decision-making in the US State Department, the CIA and the Pentagon is instrumental in supporting this highly profitable multibillion dollar trade, third in commodity value after oil and the arms trade.
The Afghan drug economy is "protected".
The heroin trade was part of the war agenda. What this war has achieved is to restore a compliant narco-State, headed by a US appointed puppet.
The powerful financial interests behind narcotics are supported by the militarisation of the world's major drug triangles (and transshipment routes), including the Golden Crescent and the Andean region of South America (under the so-called Andean Initiative).

However, the only thing that can protect the Afghans and their intrest is to get a principled liberal approach.
Legalise cultivation and sale of opium.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Leaving On a Wet Plane

Last few days, living in Patna has been an experience. Water logged on for a week at a stretch. No commercial activity, not a step forward.
Its disgusting, and at times like this one has to rethink all that is and will be.
Mentally, I have been much occupied.
Re strategizing, all my lives plan. I am kind of confused, whether, it is the right thing that I am doing, by staying put,
will I ever see the light at the end of the tunnel or my eyes will adjust to the darkness.
I do not have the solutions as yet, as this is getting tough.
Have heard that, this is when tough get going,
Guess its time to get going, some place else.
At least for the time being, just to tell yourself there is more to life than just this.

(With regrets to Mr. Denver, here are my words)

All my bags are packed I’m ready to go
I’'m standing here outside my door
Folded trousers to the thigh,
Shoes in hand and bags on sky,
Into the water, knee deep high.

Its early morning,
the taxi is waiting,
He’s blowing his horn
Already I’m so lonesome
I could die

Not of loneliness,
But the smell of the decaying water,
Breeding cholera and malaria,
Floating excreta of a million humans

so kiss me and smile for me
I know you won’t wait for me,
Never hold me like you ever did
Because I’m leaving, on a wet plane
don’t know when Ill be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

The best I can do is think of roses,
Justify my stay,
Living in this shit hole,
Torment my family,
For some silly point to make.

Stupid municipality dictating my life,
How I live how I die.
Anguish, which will never turn into a revolution,
Will just get used to living in this rut.

But promise that we will be leaving,
On a jet plane,
Just to unlearn,
Not for long,
Sure to come back,
Some day again,
After having learnt,
that the rest of the world is not much different.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mahatma's Relevance

This is in response to the various discussions over past few weeks; we have had over the relevance of M.K. Gandhi.

Influencers like Manu, Barun and Sauvik hold at times conflicting views.
I have mine.

Mahatma Gandhi and his life can not be seen in isolation. What he was and what he did had everything to with the times that he lived in.
Surely, he would not have wanted a 108 crore Indians spinning Charkha into the 21st century.
It is a different thing that, both his lovers and haters would want us to believe the same.
The problem, especially with religion based societies is that, we would like to give every greater human an Icon status and emulate his preaching verbatim.
Ram, Buddha, Krishna, Guru Nanak, Jesus, Mohammed to begin with, and to continue it on with Gandhi, Jinnah, Ambedkar, Bhinderwaley or even taking Baba Ram Dev literally now.

There are three kinds of people who understand things as they do differently.
One who would want to be like the author of the great books Ramayana?
Telling the story in such a way that, he would expect the populace to understand his version of the story, the so called intellects.
They would not like to behave like Gandhi themselves, so they create one, support him, for their own intellect interest.
Sauda Bazzigars
These intellects are usually used by the second kind of people, who can be termed as Sauda Bazzigars, not business men. These are opportunist, who would like to stay away from competition and find easy routes. People like Jawaharlal and Jinnah. The Birla’s and the Bajaj’s.

The Monkey’s

Rest all are monkeys, Banar sena of lord Rama. Did you ever think that though the great lord hailed from one of the great kingdoms, and had heroes as warriors, in the army of Ayodhya, but chose to fight with an army of monkeys?
Who else would lay their lives for fighting for someone else’s wife?

Rural India stays in darkness, even after Gandhi and rest of the world is made to believe, that they are emancipated. Freedom from the imperialist was achieved by the other two classes of people; the monkeys still pay taxes to same imperialist laws.
Gandhi was John Doe, who got used then and is getting used even after his death.

Oh yes, he can still get a Box office.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

R.I.P Olive

This piece of news was passed on by a friend and covered by BBC

An Australian woman - reputed to be the world's oldest internet blogger - has died at the age of 108, officials say.
Olive Riley had posted more than 70 entries about her life since she began her blog in February 2007.
She shared her thoughts on modern life and experiences of living through the entire 20th Century, including two world wars and the Great Depression.
In her final entry on 26 June, she described singing a happy song at her care home with nurses and a visitor.
'Keeping mind fresh'
Olive Riley died in the nursing home in New South Wales on Saturday.

I love singing that old favourite,
Happy Days are Here Again.
Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
So let's sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again

Then there's:
I want to be happy
But I can't be happy
Till I make you happy too.

I also enjoy singing that catchy Disney tune:
Zippity Doo-dah
Zippity doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
My, oh my, what a wonderful day
Plenty of sunshine headin' my way
Zippity-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay

There are learnings from life of others.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Pakistan Visa Power

I have just been denied entry into Pakistan,
after giving positive vibes, the Emabassy did not give permission,
I am confused whether it was the Indian embassy or Pakistan embassy. (they had wanted police verification done).
As lf they would have trusted the indian police, no wonder half of RAW agents are sitting in Islamabad.
None of the people who think they care for me, really wanted me to go, " Pakistan" why would you want to go there?", be alert, take care, numerous, apprehensions.
well rejoice fellows, guess, when the whole universe conspires that you do not visit a certian place, shit happens.
( courtsey, the alchemist, om shanti om et al.)
They do not realise, when you hail from Bihar, You can go anywhere, even the womens loo. (sic)

I am disappointed, and will wait for a next time, this time, I will not let the whole universe know.
I wanted an autographed CD from Farida Khanum, walk in the streets of La-whore, and go at the whole sale food market.
Get some, Mojari's and Kameez for my wife, get mysself photographed at jinnah's whatever, have it life sized framed and hung it in my dads drawing room. (hardcore RSS).
is that why they denied?...i knew it..everything that's wrong with my life must have something to do with my dad.
forget it..he must be having the last laugh anyway.
I am going to Bhutan instead, booze is cheap, and the bartenders are women.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Its a Great Figure, But the Times Of India thinks otherwise.
Yesterday, the great Indian newspaper carried head lines, stating that the Indian government has erred in its calculations of population by 5 crore. The population is not 108 crore but it is 113 crore.
Well for one, governments are allowed to make some calculation errors, all statistics is + /- 5%, chalta hai.
My problem is with the view of the self proclaimed liberal news paper, loosing its sleep over this. They are fearing that, it would mean feeding another 5 crore people, so many hungry mouths to feed.
Hello Mr. editor, go ask your response and marketing guys, if they consider this extra 5 crore a problem, ask your promoters and share holders.
Ask all the tax departments, who would be grinning for more bribes, ask the ones who make anything to sell anything, if they are hungry mouths, or consumers.
As if all that Indian population would perhaps be lying on their backs with their hands tied and mouth wide open for people from NPP (national population project) to fill them.
As if Mr. Dhananjay Mahapatra has to dole out for the entire extra now.
Does he even realize that it is these people who pay for his hungry mouth, or whatever he wants to fill it with? Reading in return his stupid analysis endorsed by a great liberal news paper.
How can the people of a country be a problem for the country, for every mouth there are two hands that work for self and produce surplus for the markets.
It’s a different issue that the socialist in the name of planning decide a future for everyone tells you that another 5 crore would mean extra social security and hence more taxes, so please start hating all people born after you in this country.
You see the centralized government will also have to build houses and roads and everything they are incapable of, to accommodate this lot. So please pay more taxes.
Mr. TOI you are another part of this big socialist ploy.
Another brick in the wall….or they sing……another pr@!$ in the ho%&.

Mr. Hunter

I have been accused of paying Mr. Hunter to comment on my blog, it has also been suggested that Mr. Hunter is none other than me I, a case of split personality or cheap publicity.
I would not like to clarify, as any controversy is good publicity.
Reading the blog is one thing, not many reach the comments part, this is for the brilliance of Mr. Bounty Hunter, who has tried to make sense of profound writings and above all maintained his regular piece of his worthy advice.

Do read the book of quotes

Machiavelli and Mother Teresa were poles apart......
Some idiot working for a news service puts out a report like this and world's media and Mr. Singh jump on it, mainly because of the word sex that features so prominently....and also because they're getting closer to that age when they'll definitely need the crutch of some virility enhancing product.......hmmm

So to all the men out there, even if you're not getting it 3 times a week.....as long as you get wood in the morning you should be safe...

The United States invariably does the right thing, after having exhausted every other alternative

65 million years ago Chicxulub killed the dinosaurs...if it hadn't you'd probably be eating Kentucky Fried Baby right now....The earth lives on....

But all the monkeys in the world banging away on typewriters cannot churn out hamlet.....India is a nation of monkeys

But about 18 years ago you couldn't pry Mr. Singh away from the screen if you had a crowbar....

Most widows in India do not have the option to marry again, whether it is for love or money...

If you find revelation among the words of wisdom, keep on reading.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Family Matters

For one, it is bloody difficult type in a moving car.
Next, you are not sure if Family Matters should be spoken loudly about on public forums, but then this is about the making of ME, and its about thinking loudly to my self, I have to be true to myself, without hurting members of the family who are ingredients of this great recipe.

It was my brothers engagement yesterday, and i was biting my nails off. I had meticulously planned this day for last 6 months now. Father was adamantly against it, and other family members had a little faith on my decision, including the groom.
More than conviction it was a deal that had to planned and executed with all my management abilities.
Manager in me, was a winner at least on this day, marriage, though is still a Little far and possibilities have to be thought of with crossed fingers and effective strategy.

The weak frail man in me was sitting in the loo and wetting his eyes, trying to cope with words from close relatives, how people who have grown up with you, become so insensitive in using words, that ignites or deflates your ego. your insecurities start to reign you and you could be bursting on your seams.
If it was not for keeping an attitude of planing and execution, having no emotional attachment to the deal, it would be difficult to go further.
Guess, all these workshops I attend helps in building rationality and my personality.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Water of the Melon

Every now and then they have researches on Viagra and some natural way to get its effects.
Well for one, news like this gets attention and affects readership.
Readers are usually the men who anyway have this scary thought of unable to produce, what is their sole domain for a few more years, and performance anxiety.
I read for two reasons, primarily, it must be the first one, secondary, as it involved Watermelon.
Well being in food processing, I am quite clear that this piece of news would be helping us quite a bit.
Truth is inconsequential; it is the perception that matters.
The Viagra like quality though comes not from the red matter of the fruit but the reed of the fruit.
As consumers can’t do much with the reed, they would perhaps not even register it to their brains and stick to the pulp part.
Last few years, us along with the industry have been doing a lot of work on fruits like this, Jamun for example, it is believed that the fruit and the juice is good for cure of diabetes.
Well, partially it might be true as it is the seed and not really the fruit.
We have a market to cater to, and we can only sell juices and not seeds or reeds.
I should guess, there must be some 500 MT of pulp of both these fruits of lying with the industry, which they are unable to sell.
With some help from Viagra and media, it won’t be long for the frozen pulp to be liquidated soon.

I have seen tons of Watermelon thrown at siliguri Agri markets, and reeds being eaten up by cows, wonder what effect must be happening on them? I
at the Peak season watermelon becomes dime a dozen, and a respite from the food processors would be a big help to the farmers.
So, do go to the big retail outlets and ask for juices of these exotic fruits.
One thing that would surely last longer is our existence,
cant tell much about your libido,
some yoga would help perhaps.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Scary thought

Reasearchers in Washington D. C have found that, Copulation atlest thrice a week can keep away erectile dysfunction. They have also found that erection at morning time would mean 2.5 times more chances of having erectile dysfunction.
Well that is scary for people who have a tough day and avoid intercourse reaching home tired at night, leaving the job for the morning time, when the body has recovered from fatigue and is fit for longer duration of pleasurable activity.

Happy Birthday II

Happy Birthday Sweet heart,
I would dare not ask your age, you are young enough to hold the flame of liberty for all these years.
No, You do not know me, and we have not met. though I do plan an acquaintance some time in the future and kiss your airs.
we have a saying in India, the gist is " darkness below the lamp".
which seems to be true about you, the flame you are holding, though has lit up many souls, it seems yours is burning.
Today, India has gift wrapped you the civil nuclear deal.
Also today there was news of a woman in Florida who is selling her house with herself. Novel, I would say.
The Soul is for sale.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Convinient truth

Last two days I have been wearing shorts and floaters to our office.
Being at the ground floor with a small lawn in front though has advantages in a hot summer day, but when it is monsoons it’s horrible.
The attendance drops by 80% and efficiency 100%. Everyone has reasons for not doing their jobs, factory is closed, dispatches are not possible, markets are inaccessible and payment can not be received.
It’s frustrating, and over and above they have climate change on the media menu these days, with opinions on both sides, and you also have Al gore telling us an inconvenient truth.
Well, I obviously do not like the water logged streets and bad sanitation, and I don’t think I can blame the climate for it, if there is anyone to be blamed, it is me, who is part of the society who has created a system of not cleaning drains, even after taking responsibility for doing so, and most of all after being paid for it.

Ice caps are melting and flooding the streets of Florida, Mumbai and even my own backyard. Calcutta will disappear in say 70 years and all of Bangladesh will be refugee I guess in my same flooded back yard.
New Zealand is getting tough on emissions norms as they have suffered the most of refugee problem.
If ours was not a socialist and welfare state, I would have welcomed the refugees, as they would have meant cheap labor for our factory and consumers of our juices and jams.
But then in a socialist country I will have to dole out higher taxes, to accommodate them, to provide cheap housing and free food.
Socialism makes me selfish to the tune that I am inhuman. Though, free market also makes me selfish, but I become more human to the needy.
Refugees though will be consumer to different kind of business people. Politicians, where I would be meeting with their tastes of pickles, politicians would be meeting their insecurities in form of religion.
However, does it really matter, that the ice caps are melting and climate is changing. It has been changing over a billion of year, even when humans were not there. Well Poor ol Al, has me convinced that we can do our bit, check emissions and all that, supposedly slow the process of global warming.
Well delay, till Al and you and I have gone past this place, but the truth remains that, climate change is inevitable.
Well the best that we can do is to invent good boats, and land that can float, energy that can be renewed and stored for a couple of hundred years, grow food in bottles and develop gills at the back of our ears.
I am doing my bit, I am preserving food, and you can eat as good even after 36 months of packaging.
I am told fantasy is different that fiction, which in turn is different than science in reality. But then every thing starts with a dream.
And why should we do it, if we can delay it, well the answer is for our children. They would call us fools and destroyers any way, but I guess we have to make them aware of the situation and get prepared for it.
As for now, my daughter loves this situation as holiday from school and playing in the puddle is what she says she can do all her life.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hamey maaf करे

आपके आंखों मे है नमी
शायद मुझ ही मे है कुछ कमी
जो आपका दर्द न समझ सका
आपकी आँखों को न पढ़ सका
आसु, nadan कहा samjh sakey,
voh भी मर्द, जो इस पानी से darey,
आप आए apney को अलविदा कह के,
hamari zindgi को sawarney,
हम ने आप को संपत्ति समझी,
पर संपत्ति के sapne नही समझे,
अपने डर को gussa बनाया,
apko dhal अपने को तलवार बनाया,
hum nadan इतना न कर सके,
अपनी भूल को ख़ुद ही maaf न कर सके,
आप मे है ज़्यादा himmat,
आप ही धीरज रखे,
hamey karney दे गलती,
और hamey maf करे.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Zen and the art of driving

India is getting to be a Nation of drivers.
Driving in all senses is being in control, not just your self but to an extent in control of others too.
Being denied control of one self, it is an obvious reason why Indians in hordes are picking up the skill.
First it was nature that was in control of all human kind, and then came religion, kings and then governments.
Something that guarantees freedom in the future is technology. But then one needs skills to master it, Or you become a slave of the machines, as we have, now become slaves of democracy and governments supposedly chosen by us, which were at some point perceived as emancipators.

Driving for Indians is freedom and being in control of the machine.
Indian government through their various pro poor schemes, like PMRY- Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Yojna and Kisan credit cards, provide cheap and subsidized loans to purchase auto rickshaws and tractors. And time to time they waive of the loans too, this time it has been a whooping Rs. 75000 crores
Direct beneficiary to all this money are obviously, the auto and tractor companies. But somehow, the poor loanee feels that he is actually the beneficiary.
Truth is perception.
The important thing is that he can drive himself and a few more people to their required destination.
See places and know more about machines. He is getting ready for tomorrow.

But, then where does one drive? Where are the roads?
If you have good roads, guess one can see ahead a few hundred yards, and plan maneuvers.
In my district, Vaishali, a 16 km stretch takes a full hour, and while driving all I can look ahead to, is the bonnet of my car. I just can’t go beyond it. One pot hole and the other.
Well that is the problem. If you can’t have good roads, you can’t look ahead, you can’t anticipate, you can’t plan, you are at the mercy of all eventualities in life.
If I do not have a basic infrastructure, how do I plan, all day, I just run around to manage electricity, fuel, banking and basic fundamental services which are being denied by a failed state.

Gujarat and Maharashtra are shouting at the top of their voices that, they pay maximum taxes and their money is being spent in useless places like Bihar. They are absolutely right.
Modi Bapu, I will tell you a secret that even Newton could not discover.
It was the Hen before the egg.
Invest in Bihar, give them good roads, and all the drivers will see all the way to Gujarat. Then Gujarat will not have to drive anymore, as Bihar will do so, and all Gujju bhai’s can see further, till US of A. and some Americans will go to the moon and some to Afghanistan. Gujarat will rule the world, by just building the roads in Bihar.
But then you like Thackeray get bothered about Bihari’s building roads in your state and can’t see beyond the obvious.