Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mr. Hunter

I have been accused of paying Mr. Hunter to comment on my blog, it has also been suggested that Mr. Hunter is none other than me I, a case of split personality or cheap publicity.
I would not like to clarify, as any controversy is good publicity.
Reading the blog is one thing, not many reach the comments part, this is for the brilliance of Mr. Bounty Hunter, who has tried to make sense of profound writings and above all maintained his regular piece of his worthy advice.

Do read the book of quotes

Machiavelli and Mother Teresa were poles apart......
Some idiot working for a news service puts out a report like this and world's media and Mr. Singh jump on it, mainly because of the word sex that features so prominently....and also because they're getting closer to that age when they'll definitely need the crutch of some virility enhancing product.......hmmm

So to all the men out there, even if you're not getting it 3 times a long as you get wood in the morning you should be safe...

The United States invariably does the right thing, after having exhausted every other alternative

65 million years ago Chicxulub killed the dinosaurs...if it hadn't you'd probably be eating Kentucky Fried Baby right now....The earth lives on....

But all the monkeys in the world banging away on typewriters cannot churn out hamlet.....India is a nation of monkeys

But about 18 years ago you couldn't pry Mr. Singh away from the screen if you had a crowbar....

Most widows in India do not have the option to marry again, whether it is for love or money...

If you find revelation among the words of wisdom, keep on reading.

1 comment:

Bounty Hunter said...

Criticism is always free and advice, more often than not,has to be paid for....

I'm sure that the more discerning among you, will have gathered, that my comments are more in the nature of a critique rather than an advisory....

If this was a case of spilt personality, then Mr. Singh would doubtless need serious pschotherapy...

to show the extent of the split, dear reader, you are invited to click on my name and go and visit my profile and blog...(see this is cheap publicity)....

Nevertheless, I would be happy to recieve any payments should Mr. Singh choose to make them....hmmmm