Monday, November 3, 2014

Sauvik Chakraverti - an antidote to life - Rest In Peace.

There has to be something as compelling as this to get back to facebook,
Sauvik chakraverti is no more, well not on earth as a physical being at least.

I have very faint idea of where he was born and all that necessities required for a proper obituary.
but, he surely was born and lived and walked this planet, more living and loud than many of us.

He instigated, like me many others to think before thinking, and still more thinking before speaking and deeper still before writing.
A few people who could change the way you perceive and live your life,  for me, it was either Ayan Rand or Sauvik.
A Guru in true sense,
An absolute chest out  libertarian, loud and very loud.
A little flinch or hesitation in your thought process could bring out a thousand decibel FUCK YOU from him!
He couldn't care less!
In Brief, Governments and taxes are absolutely unnecessary. Socialism is a disease. Individual is the king, Religion is a sole mans discretion. Smoke your guts out!! Brew your own booze.

Be thrifty with words, use two, when you could express in two.

I am lucky to have known him and filled his chilam now and then.
Couriered half a kilo of Baluchar from bhagalpur, in a 800 page book, carved from inside.
Smoked, Malana at the bar counter of Delhi Gym with Soli Sorabji staring.

There could be no one as clear and concise in thoughts on Society and Government.

He studied at the worlds best institutions, quit as a serving IPS, and just lectured and wrote against the Socialist Governments. Won many acclaims and much more hearts.

Many Feared him, even friends, so many times, cautioned, be aware of Sauvik, he is better to read than listen.

Well, Good bye Friend, Words are all we have.


Varuna said...

I am sorry that people warned you to stay away from Sauvik. He was a complex and much misunderstood human being. Few really knew him away from his loud public persona.

Anonymous said...

He was a true intellectual without agenda. Unfortunately the one person he loved drove was bad for him.

Unknown said...
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