Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mindful of Pink

I have been reading “mindful eating’ by tich nhat hanh, usually during eating, that’s the best of mindful I could do.
Just when I was practicing “orange mediation”, of course while simultaneously reading and eating, a pair of black and white, pink panties distracted me from the mindful.

It was Jug suraiya’s second opinion on power of pink, of course the article originates from Pramod muthalik of sri Ram sene, Mangalore pub attack fame guy, and goes on to Barbara cartland to pink chaddi campaign.
It was a difficult exercise to practice mindful eating with pink underwear at your site, even if they are edible.
Now what is Mr. Muthalik going to do with those truck loads of the lingerie he is set to receive!
If one should be mindful, about one thing, he should be about the rest of his daily consumption as well. Pink chaddies here.
It is advised to the beneficiary that, he should carefully look at the article of usage and by being mindful sees the cosmos in it, see the sunshine and earth in it. Smile to it before consumption. Take deep breaths, and place it o the palms of your hand so that the object becomes a reality. Visualize, as it blossom through sunshine and rain see it grow and come to life. See it becoming a miracle.
Smell it, touch it with all your senses and consume It. fully aware of the juices it contains and the origin.
This makes the joy of life possible.
Well Mr. Muthalik will have a lot of thinking to be done once those loads arrive.

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