Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy Birthday

like flowing water on the ground,
life was scattered,
you meandered and channelized
into a fine rolling stream,
and days turned into events,
every day was looked forward to,
nights were dreamy and short,
humanity had touched me,
for many a first

it was a moment in life,
which had purpose and a sense of awakening,

in that dimension,
i could call it love,
cause it never happened again,
at least not the same way,
every moment similar since then
was compared and I didn't miss you,
as you were there,
in loss in gain,
in joy in pain,

of course things change,
they are supposed to,
you made a large difference to me,
good or bad i owe you one,

sometime though in this life,
would surely wish to speak in your eyes
the many words i have learnt just to thank you enough.
Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

Bounty Hunter said...

yada yada yada....

Footfalls echo in the memory...
Down the passage which we did not take...
Towards the door we never opened into the rose-garden...

(with apologies to T.S. Eliot)