Thursday, September 11, 2008


The world is going to end.
Wow! that was my 8 1/2 yr. old daughter's exclamation.
Neha did not share the enthusiasm, but she was concerned, like she is concerned about the Soap characters on TV.

I had to take 20 mins of their TV time to explain the big bang and black hole and creation of universe, equipped with my bible "history of time" i felt like hawkins himself.

Till some time back CERN was only a fictional place for me after reading the escapades of Robert Langdon.

CERN, black hole, big bang and god particle became a part of the vocabulury in normal household over last fortnight.
Discusions, all sorts, in all forms of media, public transport, places surely managed to give some thought to this Shani Bhagwan ka Prakop.

Science became a fact yesterday. common man was all ears to this experiment, effects, he was responding to it.
Stephen hawkins did not expect much out of this experiment. But this was a victory for science, Bad publicity is better than no publicity.
this hype would change a lot of things, for the way people look at physics.
I saw that in the eyes of my Daughter.

Another, Good thing i read yesterday, was from our Minsiter for science and technology, Kapil Sibal's statement, that nuclear power generation will be open to private investment.
Now that gives us some hope for electricity in 20 years.

1 comment:

Bounty Hunter said...


this hype would change a lot of things, for the way people look at physics.


Of course, it will....

till the next time...

Ganesh starts drinking milk....

Sai Baba's video starts talking....


2012 dawns.....hmmm