Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Blow your Conch

“Bheem Barrage Toot Gaya”

Its like the conch shell bugle for the beginning of Mahabharata, all the great warriors had one.
This one is for the beginning of floods in Bihar.
Nepal has opened the gates of all its barrages, water flowing from the great Himalayas, after satisfying the needs of Prachanda’s democracy, will come swiftly thru whole of north Bihar and would make haste approach to the Bay of Bengal.
Taking away enroute thousands of human lives and another couple of thousand lives of cattle’s, millions worth of human efforts will be washed away, like their sins, from a holy dip in the Ganga.
All water will assemble at the Farakka, waiting for government’s bureaucratic machinery to start taking permission from the Bangladesh government to release water. Till then North of Bihar will face a deluge. For next three months that will be.

As I travel from Katihar to Khagaria,
The sight out of the train window is beautiful.

Water spread over all of paddy greens,
Crimson sun setting at the horizon,
Its ambience reflecting on the waters,
Spread over all what your eyes can see,
Clouds in the pure blue sky, streaked in red,
As if an Indian beau spreading her red chiffon over the sky,
In the clouds, thru you can see her curves.

Wish you were here….

On ground what you can see is cattle and humans herding together on the bunds and raised ground.
Cattle will shortly loose fodder and will have to reach along with the waters at the doorsteps of Bangladesh for slaughter.
All railway platforms will be home to a few millions for next few months.

Nitish Kumar will shout, like all other soon,
“We need funds – this is a national calamity, like never before”
Few days back he had said, “We are prepared for floods”
Yep, damn right, I have cleared my cupboards, to stack all the moolah.
Here it is Mr. Kumar.
Blow your conch. (Watch out, it might give you hernia)


Bounty Hunter said...

The Indian Government has been running things....

for about 60 years.....give or take....

The Wheels of Bureaucracy move...

surely, steadily but slowly....

In another 60 years....this flood water may be efficiently harvested....

But these bloody Indians have been living....

on these flood plains for 5000 years...give or take...

And they haven't learnt yet....

Perhaps another 5000 years...?

God willing....?

irajeshme said...

damn right Mr. Hunter, the Bundhs of north bihar had been built some 200 years ago, their are records even before sher shah was the master admin.
they were built when no govt. existed, all that this or any govt does is throw heaaves of soil on it every year.
not allowing socities or individuals to act in thier own benefit.
govts. disallow you to think.

that is the point.

Bounty Hunter said...

Government always exists.....

A Rose is a is a Rose is a Thorn....

by any other name.....

5000 - 200 = 4,800 years to get your act together....

Yet the blame lies on the last 60...