Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Water of the Melon

Every now and then they have researches on Viagra and some natural way to get its effects.
Well for one, news like this gets attention and affects readership.
Readers are usually the men who anyway have this scary thought of unable to produce, what is their sole domain for a few more years, and performance anxiety.
I read for two reasons, primarily, it must be the first one, secondary, as it involved Watermelon.
Well being in food processing, I am quite clear that this piece of news would be helping us quite a bit.
Truth is inconsequential; it is the perception that matters.
The Viagra like quality though comes not from the red matter of the fruit but the reed of the fruit.
As consumers can’t do much with the reed, they would perhaps not even register it to their brains and stick to the pulp part.
Last few years, us along with the industry have been doing a lot of work on fruits like this, Jamun for example, it is believed that the fruit and the juice is good for cure of diabetes.
Well, partially it might be true as it is the seed and not really the fruit.
We have a market to cater to, and we can only sell juices and not seeds or reeds.
I should guess, there must be some 500 MT of pulp of both these fruits of lying with the industry, which they are unable to sell.
With some help from Viagra and media, it won’t be long for the frozen pulp to be liquidated soon.

I have seen tons of Watermelon thrown at siliguri Agri markets, and reeds being eaten up by cows, wonder what effect must be happening on them? I
at the Peak season watermelon becomes dime a dozen, and a respite from the food processors would be a big help to the farmers.
So, do go to the big retail outlets and ask for juices of these exotic fruits.
One thing that would surely last longer is our existence,
cant tell much about your libido,
some yoga would help perhaps.

1 comment:

Bounty Hunter said...

Some idiot working for a news service puts out a report like this and world's media and Mr. Singh jump on it, mainly because of the word sex that features so prominently....and also because they're getting closer to that age when they'll definitely need the crutch of some virility enhancing product.......hmmm

There are also other idiots around the world who actually research such topics themselves...

See this guy and his amazing report on sex with fruits (of the arboreal variety and not of the lifestyle choice variety)...


Here's the first para........


I am a scientist, but lately I had been having trouble coming up with good ideas for experiments. I had kind of a scientist's writer block where I just could not think of anything cool to do. A few nights ago though, a brilliant flash of insight came to me while I was having sex with my girlfriend. I was like Archemedes in the bath tub, or Doc Brown falling of his toilet.

"Eureka!" I shouted as I came. "I am going to have sex with different types of fruit and report the results in a scientific paper!" My girlfriend thought I was crazy, and maybe she was right, but I followed through on my inspiration and carried out my experiment by having sex with many different types of fruit.

Here are the results of my experiment in this paper which I have submitted for peer review in the science journal Nature, and which I am showing to you now, dearest readers of Ubersite.