Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mahatma's Relevance

This is in response to the various discussions over past few weeks; we have had over the relevance of M.K. Gandhi.

Influencers like Manu, Barun and Sauvik hold at times conflicting views.
I have mine.

Mahatma Gandhi and his life can not be seen in isolation. What he was and what he did had everything to with the times that he lived in.
Surely, he would not have wanted a 108 crore Indians spinning Charkha into the 21st century.
It is a different thing that, both his lovers and haters would want us to believe the same.
The problem, especially with religion based societies is that, we would like to give every greater human an Icon status and emulate his preaching verbatim.
Ram, Buddha, Krishna, Guru Nanak, Jesus, Mohammed to begin with, and to continue it on with Gandhi, Jinnah, Ambedkar, Bhinderwaley or even taking Baba Ram Dev literally now.

There are three kinds of people who understand things as they do differently.
One who would want to be like the author of the great books Ramayana?
Telling the story in such a way that, he would expect the populace to understand his version of the story, the so called intellects.
They would not like to behave like Gandhi themselves, so they create one, support him, for their own intellect interest.
Sauda Bazzigars
These intellects are usually used by the second kind of people, who can be termed as Sauda Bazzigars, not business men. These are opportunist, who would like to stay away from competition and find easy routes. People like Jawaharlal and Jinnah. The Birla’s and the Bajaj’s.

The Monkey’s

Rest all are monkeys, Banar sena of lord Rama. Did you ever think that though the great lord hailed from one of the great kingdoms, and had heroes as warriors, in the army of Ayodhya, but chose to fight with an army of monkeys?
Who else would lay their lives for fighting for someone else’s wife?

Rural India stays in darkness, even after Gandhi and rest of the world is made to believe, that they are emancipated. Freedom from the imperialist was achieved by the other two classes of people; the monkeys still pay taxes to same imperialist laws.
Gandhi was John Doe, who got used then and is getting used even after his death.

Oh yes, he can still get a Box office.

1 comment:

Bounty Hunter said...

I believe, I have stated before that India is a land of monkeys.....

the Intellects pass out of Stephens and Xavier's and IIT's (not the IIM's) and leave the country...

the Sauda Baazigars are to be found on the front page of every newspaper in the country....

only their money leaves the country....

earlier it used to go to Switzerland.....

now it probably goes to the Bahamas and Caymans Islands.....ahhh..sun n sand...

they were probably tired of all that picture postcard perfect snowcapped vistas...

Gandhiji advocated temperance......

I wonder what his views on dope were.....hmmm

(You weren't doping before posting your piece on the Mahatma's Relevance by any chance, were you ?)