Thursday, June 26, 2008

Migration is Natural

Last week, The Bihar Chief Minister, was loud in proclaiming that, the farms in Punjab are effected as labourers from Bihar are not Migrating anymore. The State Government is providing enough opportunities here itself. Everyone is gay and happy.

Subsequently, central government joined the chorus. They say it is through their schemes and money that the Bihari labourers are not migrating.

The Media Joined the song. They were at our factory doorstep to do a positive story from Bihar, Finally. They were in for a surprise.

First, it was absolute rubbish that Migration had stopped. It was very much on and all i had to do was to show them the Barauni- Amritsar train on our way. filled to the brink.
So, Where was the story.
The Story is that, Bihari labourers will keep migrating, now and forever. reasons being Geo political situation here. floods, Agriculture, social conditions and state of industry.
We showed them, that our factory, we import Bihari Labourers from Agra and Delhi. We have a relatively season based work that we do, due to small capital. The food industry through out India is being dominated by Bihari Labourers, and it is only during the fruit season that we get them here.

At one side, the political dalals are taking people out of here and getting them jobs at say, Delhi metro projects, expecting votes in return. on the other hand, there is political party who says don't go. Decide guys.

Whats wrong with Migration, Birds do that, Crabs and fishes do that. why cant humans do so.
No Thackeray Can stop these men. Canada and Britain could not. these are Schools of fishes who would Swim along the current. this is perfect Human instinct. Any one trying to swim against the current is only trying to lay eggs.

1 comment:

Bounty Hunter said...

Humans are sentient.....(even the stupid ones, which I suppose is 99.5% of them).........crabs, fishes, birds, turtles etc are not.

Animals act on instinct.....humans supposedly act on emotions, logic and intelligence which in itself is quite contradictory....after all, emotions and logic do not go together....

So equating human migration to animal migration is not justified...

Besides if Libertarianism is based on a cornerstone of property rights...then why shouldn't there be resentment against migrants....after all, they are stealing the so calledrights of the natives.....

Anyway, media reports are mostly written by hacks who are spoonfed and who do not have the skills and etics to write objectively.